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Welcome to Movies in Concert
your guide to the world of film music performed live on stage worldwide


Movies in Concert's goal is to be a reliable guide to concerts of film music worldwide.

Movies in Concert doesn't organize concerts, but whenever we find out about a concert or are given such information, we will review it and bring it online as quickly as possible to provide film music enthusiasts with reliable and up-to-date information about upcoming film music concerts, tours and special events.

Which concerts are to be expected on these pages:

  • at least one composition in the programme was composed especially for the big or small screen
  • concerts containing only music from musicals will not be listed
You'll find more info about Movies in Concert's mission here.

"There's this amazing website that has all my concerts!"
Justin Freer, conductor and producer of Cine Concerts
"I love your website!"
Anthony Gabriele, musical director | conductor | orchestrator | arranger
"Movies in Concert is a wonderful page and you are doing a great job!"
Burkhard Götze, conductor and artistic director from the Metropolis Orchester Berlin
"I have been following the updates on this website since 2012. Thank you for this incredibly free service, it has been an extremely helpful source of information, helped me keep track of the film music concerts happening around the world."
Sureshkumar P. Sekar., doing his PhD at the Royal College of Music, London
"It's wonderful to see the Calendar with lots of the concerts in various countries!"
Nobuhito FURUYA, opera project manager, Hyogo Performing Arts Center, Tokyo, Japan
"If you're interested in finding a live film concert the website Movies in Concert lists every upcoming show around the world and there are a lot of them."
CBS Saturday Morning News
"It's wonderful to see the Calendar with lots of the concerts in various countries!"
Nobuhito FURUYA, opera project manager, Hyogo Performing Arts Center, Tokyo, Japan
"Very grateful for your magnificent work, as ever."
Ben Palmer, conductor & artistic director, Covent Garden Sinfonia
"If you're interested in finding a live film concert the website Movies in Concert lists every upcoming show around the world and there are a lot of them."
CBS Saturday Morning News
"Very grateful for your magnificent work, as ever."
Ben Palmer, conductor & artistic director, Covent Garden Sinfonia
"Thank you, you have the only good resource for live-to-film concerts and so many of us visit regularly. We are all grateful for your work on this site."
John Beal, composer, conductor
"Thank you, you have the only good resource for live-to-film concerts and so many of us visit regularly. We are all grateful for your work on this site."
John Beal, composer, conductor
"The list of film music concerts that is consistently maintained on the website Movies in Concert (moviesinconcert.nl) is impressive, an online community of film lovers who inform each other about film concerts all over the world. For the Netherlands alone, up to and including October 2020, there will be about one hundred performances with film music on the agenda."
Mark van de Voort, VPRO Gids (Dutch weekly tv-guide)
"The list of film music concerts that is consistently maintained on the website Movies in Concert (moviesinconcert.nl) is impressive, an online community of film lovers who inform each other about film concerts all over the world. For the Netherlands alone, up to and including October 2020, there will be about one hundred performances with film music on the agenda."
Mark van de Voort, VPRO Gids (Dutch weekly tv-guide)
"If you're interested in finding a live film concert the website Movies in Concert lists every upcoming show around the world and there are a lot of them."
CBS Saturday Morning News
"Very grateful for your magnificent work, as ever."
Ben Palmer, conductor & artistic director, Covent Garden Sinfonia
"Congratulations! What a huge work lies behind you and is still ongoing."
Beate Warkentien, Managing Director Europäische FilmPhilharmonie -EFPI
"Congratulations! What a huge work lies behind you and is still ongoing."
Beate Warkentien, Managing Director Europäische FilmPhilharmonie -EFPI
"There's this amazing website that has all my concerts!"
Justin Freer, conductor and producer of Cine Concerts
"I have been following the updates on this website since 2012. Thank you for this incredibly free service, it has been an extremely helpful source of information, helped me keep track of the film music concerts happening around the world."
Sureshkumar P. Sekar., doing his PhD at the Royal College of Music, London
"Thank you, you have the only good resource for live-to-film concerts and so many of us visit regularly. We are all grateful for your work on this site."
John Beal, composer, conductor
"Congratulations! What a huge work lies behind you and is still ongoing."
Beate Warkentien, Managing Director Europäische FilmPhilharmonie -EFPI
"Thank you, you have the only good resource for live-to-film concerts and so many of us visit regularly. We are all grateful for your work on this site."
John Beal, composer, conductor
"I love your website!"
Anthony Gabriele, musical director | conductor | orchestrator | arranger
"It's wonderful to see the Calendar with lots of the concerts in various countries!"
Nobuhito FURUYA, opera project manager, Hyogo Performing Arts Center, Tokyo, Japan
"Very grateful for your magnificent work, as ever."
Ben Palmer, conductor & artistic director, Covent Garden Sinfonia
"I have been following the updates on this website since 2012. Thank you for this incredibly free service, it has been an extremely helpful source of information, helped me keep track of the film music concerts happening around the world."
Sureshkumar P. Sekar., doing his PhD at the Royal College of Music, London
"Very grateful for your magnificent work, as ever."
Ben Palmer, conductor & artistic director, Covent Garden Sinfonia
"Movies in Concert is a wonderful page and you are doing a great job!"
Burkhard Götze, conductor and artistic director from the Metropolis Orchester Berlin
"I love your website!"
Anthony Gabriele, musical director | conductor | orchestrator | arranger
"I'm really touched by your dedication to tracking new concerts."
Nicklas Schmidt, composer

Maintained and produced by Flip Jansen & Ingmar Kohl. Copyright 2010-2025.
Editors: Anton Smit, Keld Jörgensen, Stefan Bosman

Kindly supported by the European FilmPhilharmonic Institute

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